
About forestmagique

Hi everyone! Here is a little story behind this place and how we all started it.

I guess to explain it fully I should start from my childhood, but no worries, it wouldn't be a long boring story I promise. So I was always a creative person, as long as I remember myself could spend evening sewing dolls and outfits for them. Who knew that this common little girls' hobby will become something more?

As I got older, I was looking for myself in different fields. I got masters in linguistics but didn't feel happy. I went to Switzerland to study hotel management and I got bachelor in international management in States. But it all felt wrong, it wasn't what I’ve dreamed about.

Long story short: while I was trying to find myself, I found my husband to be. And when I was pregnant and had lots of free time, I've prepared so many things for my son myself. Clothes, blankets, cushions, toys. And I really enjoyed the process!

My son was born, but my love for the handmade continued. So once I decided to share it on Instagram and found out that people love it too.

In my journey of handmade and craft I met many amazing people who were in the same situation as me once. And all the pieces came together. I decided to make this place, where me and my friends can share their work, write their story, maybe upload some DIYs. Because every creative person needs to share their work to grow.

I don't know where I will end up at the end. But here is my journey, that I will share with you. My thoughts, struggles and happy moments. And a story of people I met. Feel free to join us and we will see, what happens next.