what is your hobby and how does it change you?


When we look at someone's creation, like a painting or a sculpture, we start immediately thinking, how this piece of art reflects the personality of a creator, his way of seeing things. But how many of us actually thinks of the impact, that this creation made on the artist? And what if it's not just one piece, but hundreds of them?

I've never thought about it from this perspective, until I started to make something myself. Yes, my toys are not a fine art, it cannot be compared to a beautiful painting, but they still involve some creativity in the process.⠀

So once while making another toy, I started to think, how my little hobby has changed me. And I realized that actually it's more, than I thought. Firstly, I became more patient. Patience wasn't my strong side before, but finally there is some improvement.⠀

Secondly, I've started to understand myself better: what I really want and not what society expects from me, what are my values, what I found beautiful and what I never will. I think, it's really important to know where and what for you stand, so it's only you, who makes decisions and you won't let anyone to influence your life in the way you dont want it.⠀

And finally I found something, that makes me happy. Something I'm always happy to do and never get tired of. Something, that right here and right now completes you life, and isn't it just amazing?


How do you feel, when you have to try something new?